High achievers want better performance tools

Your highest performing employees want to improve. Seam’s performance management suite unlocks a toolkit built specifically for them.

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Trusted by C-Level executives at

Identify areas of growth

  • Quantity your impact based on daily engagement data
  • Measure contribution to highlight growth opportunities
  • Benchmark visualizations to track progress and results

Optimize your workflows

  • Reveal your peak productivity hours with real-time data
  • Identify work patterns and eliminate daily time-wasters
  • Prioritize key meetings and reduce calendar overwhelm

Maximize daily contribution

  • Build a continuous feedback loop to address core weaknesses
  • Focus daily effort on mission-critical tasks instead of busywork
  • Quantify achievements and build a foundation for career growth

High performers want to be equipped with real-time data, rapid feedback loops, and benchmark visualization to continuously improve. Tools like Seam are the future of work, full stop.

Adrian Alfieri, Founder & CEO at Verbatim